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Home > Nuclear energy in a sentence

Nuclear energy in a sentence

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Sentence count:78Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: atomic energySimilar words: nuclearenergyclergysynergyenergeticenergizeclearclearlyMeaning: n. the energy released by a nuclear reaction. 
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1. Brazil's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy.
2. The government did an about-turn over nuclear energy.
3. There has been a move away from nuclear energy.
4. Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
5. Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety.
6. We have studied the arguments for and against nuclear energy.
7. Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.
8. In the next century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.
9. Objective: Promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
10. S., restrict certain investments in, for example, nuclear energy.
11. For in the Soviet Union nuclear energy is a potent symbol of high technology and modernity.
12. Doesn't he care that nuclear energy has so far saved the world from burning five hundred million tons of coal?
13. Juries may not understand the niceties of nuclear energy, but they can distinguish right and wrong.
14. Nuclear energy is the only viable alternative to coal or gas.
15. We're not, he thought, talking about nuclear energy, we're talking about Passion.
16. By then nuclear energy should be contributing more than one-fifth of electricity generation.
17. The health and safety hazards associated with nuclear energy will have to be overcome.
18. Worst of all are the perils of nuclear energy whether used for peace or war. energy.html
19. Nuclear energy has been shown to be extremely dangerous.
20. People tend to get overly emotional about nuclear energy.
21. The Shah desperately wanted nuclear energy for Iran.
22. What is called atomic energy is actually nuclear energy.
23. One controversial preemption issue involves nuclear energy.
24. Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy?
25. No one had believed that day would ever come. Nuclear energy was the wave of the future.
26. Towards this end, agreements were signed on fishing, trade, environmental protection and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
27. There has been an important breakthrough in the search for safe nuclear energy.
28. What the public and governments have to assess is the need for nuclear energy versus the risk of another Chernobyl-type accident.
29. They suggest instead, however, that preference should be given to the development of small nuclear energy complexes.
30. This is just the latest example of the threat to free information and even free speech presented by the nuclear energy lobby.
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  • Grace 2023-02-24 13:06:38
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  • Esteban 2023-02-23 18:53:48
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